Table of Contents

Program, 2021

COVID-19 Information

The EFTS is a training course for newcomers. Besides lectures, the EFTS is a great opportunity for true hands-on labs and to discuss with people at coffee breaks, lunches and events in a friendly and passionate atmosphere. This cannot be replaced with a virtual conference. We have reasons to believe that a real EFTS is the good choice, and of course a safe choice.

In pragmatic terms, we propose two scenarios for the next EFTS.

1 - Realistic/optimistic scenario --- This is what we do now

We expect that travel restrictions are gone, or almost gone, and people are free to come to Besancon at minimum or no risk. The EFTS is a regular seminar, as in the tradition.

Lunches, visits, astronomy session and social events may have to comply to health rules, if still any. Other obligations are possible, like masks and IR body temperature check. Let us put aside these details, and solve them later.

A small number of students and instructors, unpredictably, will suffer restrictions. No need to cancel, there is a backup plan. We broadcast all lecture. The lab sessions are replaced with pre-recorded demos with time slots for live discussions.

2 - Worst case scenario --- Obsolete, we have a real EFTS

In the worst case there are severe travel restrictions, or traveling is unsafe. Everything goes online, with little or no change to the original timetable. The lectures are live performances, or pre-recorded videos followed by a live discussion. The labs sessions are pre-recorded demos, with several time slots for discussion allocated during the show.


Hands-on Laboratory Courses

Every day, the participants do real experiments and measurements

Social Events and Visits

This part may be the most impacted by COVID-19, if the crisis is not ended


Download the preliminary timetable (pdf)

Current Session
Scientific Council
Registration and Policy
Venue and Accommodation
Previous EFTS sessions, since 2013