EFTS 2015 Program
Click here to download the previous EFTS 2015 announcement flyer in pdf format
Click here to download the previous EFTS 2015 week schedule in pdf format
Click here to download Enrico Rubiola's phase noise and stability chart
Lectures and Seminars
- Introduction to TF - Basic concepts and vocabulary (quality, certification, traceability etc), and technical issues (oscillators, frequency standards, accuracy, stability, phase noise, jitter, physical environment, etc.).
- Measurement methods and experimental techniques - Spectra (phase noise and L(f), amplitude noise), variances, frequency measurement and comparison.
- Atomic clocks - Physics, traditional clocks (atomic beam, vapor cell, and maser), cold atoms, optical clocks, small-size clocks.
- Oscillators - RF/microwave, cavity-stabilized lasers, optical frequency combs.
- Timing and applications - Time scales, navigation, frequency transfer and synchronization.
- Physics, applications, and trends.
The EFTS 2015 course programme:
Hands-on Laboratory Courses
- Laboratory sessions - Frequency stability and AM/PM noise, resonators and oscillators, timing and synchronization, vapor cell clocks, cold atoms, etc. Every day, the attendees will do real experiments and measurements.
Social Events
Visit of Besançon's Observatory
Visit of Besançon's Time Museum - (downtown City)
Nigth session at the Observatory's telescopes, (depending on weather conditions)
Social Dinner
Femto-ST Lab Tour
Announcement for a companion Time & Frequency workshop
Sept 9-10-11, 2015 at BIPM, Sèvres, France
This information could be of interest to attendees to the Time and Frequency Seminar in Besançon.
VI International Time Scale Algorithms Symposium and Tutorials
BIPM, Sèvres, France on 10 and 11 September 2015, preceded by tutorials on 9 September.