

  • Introduction to TF – Basic concepts and vocabulary, and technical issues (oscillators, frequency standards, accuracy, stability, phase noise, jitter, physical environment, etc.).
  • Measurement methods and experimental techniques – Spectra (phase noise and L(f), amplitude noise), variances, frequency measurement and comparison.
  • Atomic clocks – Physics, traditional clocks (atomic beam, vapor cell and maser), cold atoms, optical clocks, and small-size clocks.
  • Oscillators – RF and microwave oscillators, cavity-stabilized lasers, optical frequency combs.
  • Timing and applications – Time scales, navigation, frequency transfer and synchronization.
  • Physics, applications, and trends.

Hands-on laboratory sessions

Every day, the participants do real experiments and measurements

  • Frequency stability and AM/PM noise,
  • Data analysis
  • Global Navigation Satellite System GNSS (GPS, Galileo, etc.)
  • Resonators and oscillators
  • Atomic clocks

Social events and visits

  • Visit at the Observatory of Besançon
  • FEMTO-ST Laboratory Tour
  • Visit at the Time Museum, Besançon downtown
  • Social dinner
  • Astronomy session at the Observatory (if weather permits). Observe celestial bodies, and adjust your watch to stars using the ancient methods and instruments

The EFTS is a training course, not a conference

  • Program and topics are decided by the Scientific Council
  • Thee is no “call for papers”
  • All lecturers are invited by the Scientific Council
  • Students cannot present lectures/posters
  • There is room for exhibitors

Preliminary timetable

Download the preliminary timetable (pdf)

Monday "Science, beer and chips" session

Informal discussions about the research projects running in Besançon, around posters, beer and chips. This session is an opportunity to have private discussions between students, lecturers and our researchers. It helps to plan the Friday laboratory tour, and it may open the opportunity for short private visits on specific topics in the free time during the week. Students shall not bring their own posters.

Site map

  • current/01_program.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/12/12 09:07
  • by rubiola